Saturday, March 1

Family Trust - Amanda Brown

Becca Reinhart's on the fast track to a Wall Street career - she has no time for, or interest in, the more traditional feminine pursuits on men and marriage. Nor does Edward Kirkland, a playboy who has nothing but good times on the agenda. But when they're left sharing custody of a little girl, everything changes.
At least, I assume it does. Written by the author of Legally Blonde (liked the film, didn't read the book), the prose was so bad I consider it a triumph I made it as far as half way down page seven - all tell, over-written and under-edited, I didn't make it as far as the plot. Perhaps I just wasn't in the right mood, and certainly two unfinished novels in a row is a record, but really:
"Becca Reinhart laughed. Her eyes were bright, shining with humor as she listened to her telephone call. Her loose black hair brushed her shoulders as she shook her head in protest. She laughed, but her answer was firm. No way."

Couldn't have said it better myself - Family Trust? No way. - Alex

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